Blog | Stories marked with <NoLimits> tag


UX Decalogue: Nielsen's 10 heuristics in practical application

Nielsen heuristics are an important tool supporting work on usability of applications or websites. We give you a brief overview on how they work.

Innovative loyalty programs. How to build relationships with customers through your platform?

Examples of loyalty systems that stand out for their ingenuity and effectiveness.

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KISS digital is one of the app development leaders in Poland.

KISS digital Named Among Poland’s Top App Developers for 2021

We have been included in Top App Developer in Poland list created by Clutch B2B platform.

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Time and Materials contracts, as opposed to Fixed Price model adjusts better to change in the process

Time and Materials Contracts: Model of Formula 1

What do you think when you hear a phrase the Time & Material? My answer is F1. Yes, F1 racing series. Let me tell you why.

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How to protect your business idea?

How to protect your business idea from being stolen (and what to do if it happens)?

Business idea is worth protecting. The risk of it being stolen is not high, but if the theft occurs, the costs may be overwhelming. We explain how you can protect your business idea and intellectual property.

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Things that the marketing automation vendor won’t tell you about

Marketing automation systems make business go around, but can also be a burden. Whether they help us to increase turnover or generate unexpected costs depends, among other things, on the quality of implementation of such tools.

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Domain for a startup. What is it, how to choose it and where to get it from?

Domain name is the foundation of online business. It's fairly easy to create it. Provided that you know how to do it and how not to.

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Ergonomic home office. How to work from home and not get hurt

Home office is a great option not only for the time of COVID-19 pandemic. However, to make your home a comfortable and an effective workplace, you should take care of ergonomics. How to do that? We have taken expert advice to answer this question.

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What do we mean by KISS? Simplicity in digital

If there's a chance to do something the simple way, go for it. This formula works pretty well in IT. From day one it has proved useful for creating advanced technological solutions – without overcomplicating the whole process.

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How to prepare your office for work after “quarantine”?

The epidemic is gradually dying out. The government loosens restrictions, the economy begins to recover and companies are getting ready to return to offices. However, it is not just about turning the key in the lock (or entering the code). The workplace must be prepared for the new sanitary regime. We suggest how to take care of employees' health and organize office work in times of pestilence.

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Overplanning vs. overdoing: KISS gets the right direction

The software development market is struggling from the inside with two extremes: Overplanning and overdoing.

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The capital of the strongest DEV-characters

Polish character traits like determination, accuracy and incredible persistence are the key to understand why developers from Poland are one of the best in the world.

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Are Digitalization And Automation Right For Your Business?

We live in an era of digital transformation. But should this be enough to digitize and automate your business processes?

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KISS digital featured among the Top Web Design Companies

We create excellent web and mobile applications and we’re always glad when someone else appreciates our efforts. This time, we were featured at GoodFirms.

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How To Choose The Best Software House (And Why It’s KISS digital)

Let’s be honest, choosing an app development company is tough. Then how not to make any mistakes when searching for the best software house?

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